Thursday, April 10, 2014

Forge Midwest, 2014, Saturday

Here's a snapshot of some of the things from Saturday at Forge Midwest, 2014.

Fourth game for Jason D. and David M-K: Kingdom (by Ben Robbins of Microscope). This was my favorite new RPG game from the convention.

Kingdom how-to sheet and some game large colored notecards.
The players figuring out their roles and what we want our Kingdom to be. Mark D. facilitated.

Fifth game for Jason D. and David M-K: Exploding Kingdoms (playtest), facilitated by Willow P.

Sixth game for Jason D. and David M-K: Green Light (playtest, by Megan and Eric). Sorry, no pictures.

Seventh game for David M-K: Tribunal LARP, facilitated by Arnold Cassell. Sorry, no pictures. What an amazing experience. The lack of sleep was worth the fun. Thanks to all.

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