Saturday, March 29, 2014

Primetime Adventures

Primetime Adventures game book and playing cards.

We had a great time playing Primetime Adventures, Sunday, March 9, 2014. After a few minutes of discussing shows, we chose to do one based on Cosmos (with Neil deGrasse Tyson) as though produced for AMC. However, we decided to play the people behind the show (like 30 Rock), and with some extraterrestrial input.

Character card, playing cards, and Fanmail tokens.
The cast included: an assistant to the boss of the show, a graphics producer, a show producer, and a page (the alien). The big boss and Neil deGrasse Tyson were NPCs.

The issue for our pilot episode: Rewriting a script that was scientifically inaccurate because as everyone knows, Pluto is not a planet, thanks to Neil deGrasse Tyson.

What followed was one crazy encounter after another leading to a cliffhanger with Neil deGrasse Tyson perhaps falling under alien mind control during a script rehearsal.

Good thing we were renewed for three years before that happened, right?

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